Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas is coming!!!

This has always been my favorite time of year...from Thanksgiving dinner all the way through to that New Year's Eve kiss. I'm a February baby so naturally I like the cold weather, the snow, the fireplace (which in my house is every candle I can find, shoved together on an end table since we don't actually have a fireplace), and curling up on the couch with a huge mug of hot chocolate (made with milk, never water) and "It's A Wonderful Life" in the DVD player.

It's been such a busy past couple of weeks, what with Shawn's 2 surgeries (he's recovering very nicely so far, waiting to hear how his checkup appointment went today for his shoulder) and all, but I was able to snap a few pics of what's been going on with the Wardle clan. First there was Thanksgiving, where Riley was oh-so-thankful...

Thank you Lord for this food I'm about to nom-nom on...
Now, as we ate at MIL's, I notice something rather peculiar about her salt and pepper shakers. Sure, they look like normal, festive little table additions...

Gobble gobble, mofos. 



Really? THAT'S where it comes out? Who wants to season their potatoes with turkey-ass ventings? I can't tell whether to be appalled or incredibly jealous that I didn't think of something like this first. This guy must be a MILLIONAIRE!!

Then there was Black Friday shopping with my mom and adorable nephew, Chase...

Aren't we done yet? I'm sooooo ready to get outta this thing. 

He's got a little sister on the way, which is why there is so much pink garb behind him. Guess who we were shopping for? Weird to think that my brother is 5 years younger than me and will have 1 more child than I do. Guess what he's getting in HIS stocking?

I've also started a fundraiser-type thing, courtesy of/benefiting the grandfather of my good bud Brooke. Grandpa's been in the hospital for a while now and with no insurance and several surgeries/nights spent in recovery, he's going to need some support. So, from now until Christmas 20% of jewelry sales will be going to Brooke's granddaddy to help with medical bills. I know it's not much, but if we can even buy them a meal or 2 while he's recovering, I know the whole family will be so appreciative. (Now, I said I wouldn't sell anything here and I won't, so if you want to buy to help this cause, just email me at info@sinfullysweets.net and mention Brooke's name in your email so I can make sure that she gets the funds.) I have been making jewelry like crazy, and I'm really trying to remember to take pics of all of it. For now, here are a few items that have kept me busy...

Pics aren't the greatest because they're from my phone, but until I can hire a pro photog, this is how I'm gonna have to roll (get it? Roll, like from a camera...ok never mind). I will have a lot more pics hopefully uploaded to my FB page, and the SS page, before long.

Happy Holidays Cupcakes!!!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's been a while...

...and I don't have much time to post today, but I did want to let my loyal readers know that I have NOT forgotten about all of you, it's just been a crazy couple of weeks!!!

First off, I had to drop my advanced cake class due to hubby's surgeries. Let the booing begin...I know, I know, I didn't WANT to drop it, but with the care that hubby will be needing in the next few months, I just don't have time for the work that goes into this last one. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean that I will stop making cakes and treats for clients, and I will be retaking the class the next time it's offered, which will probably be after the first of the year. I am sad that I can't spend every Wednesday evening with Lady, given that she's totally one of my new fave people, and I know that she will miss me since she called me one of her "favorite students" yesterday (don't deny it, I have witnesses), but hopefully she will get over me and know that one day, she WILL see me again!! (Probably tomorrow, because I need cupcake trays.)

Also, this jewelry thing has taken on a mind of its own and has been INSANE lately. Of course, I throw up a little in my mouth every time I make a buckeye bracelet or earrings, but I do enjoy the creative process of it and I have been making a lot of other one-of-a-kind pieces that I PROMISE will be on the website soon. I would love to find a babysitter for my daughter and a hot Asian nurse that can tend to hubby for just a day (or 4) so I can start marking things off of my To-Do list, but so far, no plans for either (sorry, honey).

Thinking of having a trunk sale before Christmas to sell some already-made pieces, what do you guys think?

Thanks Cupcakes!!
