Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Way too much on my plate...

Well this weekend was QUITE fun-filled and although it was exhausting, I got just about everything done that I had planned.

First off, my marble cake for the pee-wee football league didn't quite turn out as I had pictured it in my head, but it still wasn't bad. I had a great picture of the marble top that was formed before I iced it but I can't seem to find it anywhere on my camera. After trying to recreate the Jaguars' logo in the middle of the cake and scraping it off THREE TIMES before I decided that my hands were just too shaky for such detail at midnight on Friday, I settled for the jerseys and some cute little football rings (thanks to Happy Hostess House). Congrats on a great season to the Jaguars!!

I heart football season!!

Surprisingly, this was the end of my baking requirements for the weekend, and I was actually quite relieved. Saturday brought a major Halloween party in which I rocked the part of Snooki...

I'm goin' to the Jersey Shore, bitches!!

Next year, I'm using this wig to be Amy Winehouse.

Sunday housed a trip to the Columbus Crew game. It was Riley's first one, and she really got into the jumping and chanting...

My little MLS fan!!

Also, congrats to Chris and Stephanie, who got engaged at the stadium right before the game started...and right after she punched him in the stomach. Seriously. After 10 1/2 years of together I think I speak for all of America when I say...IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! 

The latest developments to come about on the SS front are the earrings below that I worked so diligently on during my day off yesterday...ok, that's a lie, I didn't even go to purchase the beads until after dinner, and I spent all of an hour making 4 pairs of earrings during the Dallas/NY game. I'm hoping to add a lot more jewelry to a new line and would like a really rocker name for it, so I will be taking suggestions in 3...2...1...

I swear I find new talents everyday...
Are those Buckeye earrings you see? Yes, yes they are. Insert more burning skin here. Seriously, it's like water to the Wicked Witch of the West for me to even touch those, but anything for my Riley...Anyhoo, I'm thinking $6-ish for the regular beaded earrings and $8-9 for the Buckeye earrings due to the increased cost of the custom beads. Hopefully I'll have an entire catalog soon so I can put the spatula down for just a little bit. We all need a rest, right?

Have a great Tuesday, Cupcakes!!


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